Are you Mthwakazi? Do You Own A Business? List It Here...

When someone searches the web for Mthwakazi owned businesses, products and services; they must find you on this page. Send us your business name, services or products you provide, and your location in any country around the world, we will publish it for you on this M1 (Mthwakazi First) businesses page, for free. If you are already an M1 member of isikhwama sesizwe you have the ability to post your own business, products and/or services using the forum below. Just log in and advertise your own business today. Promoting Mthwakazi first in everything we pay for. Be an M1 CITIZEN!

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Mthwakazi Economic Empowerment (MEE)

"Mthwakazi Heritage Investment Fund (MHIF)" is a Member-Funded Mthwakazi Economic Empowerment initiative.

"Ours is What We Own and Control"  "Okwethu yilokho esingabanikazi bakho njalo Lesikulawulayo"

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